About Us

World Energy Council

The World Energy Council is the principal impartial network of energy leaders and practitioners promoting an affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive energy system for the greatest benefit of all.

Since its foundation in 1923, the Council has evolved into one of the world’s most influential energy organisations.

Today, the Council is the UN-accredited global energy body, representing the entire energy spectrum, with more than 3,000 member organisations located in over 90 countries and drawn from governments, private and state corporations, academia, NGOs and energy-related stakeholders.

World Energy Council

*The membership of the Russian Federation has been suspended

Through our work, we aim to increase dialogue between the private and public sectors and improve the quality of information available to decision makers.

We inform global, regional and national energy strategies by hosting high-level events – including the world’s largest all-energy event, the triennial World Energy Congress – publishing authoritative studies, and work through our extensive member network to facilitate the world’s energy policy dialogue.

Global Presence

More than 3,000 member organisations located in nearly 100 countries and drawn from governments, private and state corporations, academia.


The Council's activities are coordinated through its secretariat in London. National Member Committees operate independently under a regional structure. 


The World Energy Council regularly publishes reports on the development trends and perspectives of various energy sectors.

Latvian Member Committee

The Latvian Member Committee of the World Energy Council is a professional association that unites representatives of various energy fields – industry leading companies, academia, government institutions and public organizations. The purpose of the association is to promote authoritative expertise on the development of national energy, its political and legal regulation, as well as the impact on public welfare.

The main tasks of the Latvian Member Committee are to cooperate with the World Energy Council and the other National Committees; encourage domestic energy exploration, extraction, recycling and efficient use; promote the transportation of imported energy resources, conversion and use in all respects; address energy supply problems taking into account social and environmental aspects.

Latvian Member Committee also acts as an information coordinator to work with other energetic problem solving organizations; participate in congresses, assemblies, conferences, forums, and other events and to organize them; and disseminate information on its activities. Through our work, we aim to increase dialogue between the private and public sectors and improve the quality of information available to decision makers.

General meeting and board

The decision-making body of the Latvian Member Committee is the general meeting. It elects the board, whose members are given authority for four years.

Active participation

Since its foundation in 1924, the Latvian Member Committee of the World Energy Council (originally the National Power Committee) has been an active participant in international events organized by the global institution.

History and nowadays

After the occupation of Latvia in 1940, the Latvian Member Committee of the World Energy Council (National Power Committee) ceased its activities. It was renewed on April 22, 1992 at the initiative of industry representatives.


member 3
Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte
Latvijas siltuma, gāzes un ūdens tehnoloģijas inženieru savienība
Ministry of Climate and Energy, Republic of Latvia
A/S Latvenergo
Sadales Tīkls


Olga Bogdanova  - President of World Energy Council Latvia

Dr. oec.

Olga Bogdanova

President of World Energy Council Latvia

  • University of Latvia, Associate Professor
  • World Energy Council, Member of the Studies Committee
  • JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls", deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, head of the Tax Administration and Public Interest Policy Department
Mārtiņš Čakste  - Vice President of World Energy Council Latvia

Dr. oec.

Mārtiņš Čakste

Vice President of World Energy Council Latvia

  • JSC “Latvenergo”, Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Execuutive Officer
Gatis Junghāns - Vice President of World Energy Council Latvia

Dr. sc. ing.

Gatis Junghāns

Vice President of World Energy Council Latvia

  • JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls”, Member of the Board
Leonīds Ribickis -  Board Member of World Energy Council Latvia

Dr. habil. sc. ing.

Leonīds Ribickis

Board Member of World Energy Council Latvia

  • Director of the Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Full member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
Uldis Bariss - Board Member of World Energy Council Latvia

Uldis Bariss

Board Member of World Energy Council Latvia

  • JSC “Conexus Baltic Grid”, Chairman of the Board


Since its foundation in 1923, the World Energy Council has evolved into one of the world’s most influential energy organisations. After the First World War, the issue of international cooperation in energy came to the fore, and Daniel Dunlop's visionary idea to create a global organization gained wide support.

Latvia was an eyewitness of these historical events. Already at the first World Power Conference, which took place in London in July 1924, Latvia was represented by Mārtiņš Bīmanis, professor and later rector of the University of Latvia. On December 11 of the same year, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia made a decision to establish the National Power Committee – the predecessor of today's Latvian Member Committee. Its productive work was interrupted by the Second World War and occupation of Latvia by Soviet Union in 1940.

Soon after the restoration of national independence, in March 1992, the members of the organizing committee, professor Viktors Zēbergs and professor Namejs Zeltiņš, sent a letter to general secretary of the World Energy Council Aien Lindsey with a request to restore Latvia's membership. The renewal meeting of Latvian Member Committee was held on April 22, 1992.

Future Energy Leaders Latvia

The World Energy Council supports and promotes energy leaders of the future through our Future Energy Leaders platform. The Future Energy Leaders are a global impact community of exceptional young professionals who share a commitment to:

  • address the urgent need to humanise energy
  • seek innovative solutions for more energy and climate neutrality in the context of affordability and equality
  • engage in national, regional, and global activities and events
  • deliver innovative projects in support of our global energy community

Participation in the program:

promotes career growth;

provides opportunities to engage in a broader dialogue about the prospects of the industry;

allows you to get to know the international energy community and make new friends.

The energy discourse in this program is viewed in a broad perspective, and representatives of various fields are invited to participate. Young people up to 32 years old can apply for the program.